Week 34 - Omega 2500 watch repair

This gentleman’s Omega 2500 came in for repair recently, it was 8 years old and showing some signs of wear. These small signs of wear tell a story. Around this time is when mechanical watches should be serviced. I usually recommend between servicing every 7-10 years.

Specifically, it’s time keeping was erratic and it was not holding power reserve. As well as fixing up these issues, I spent some time refinishing the case and band for the customer so that the watch looked new. You can see some before and after photos below. The first two photos are the case before restoration, and you can see how fresh it’s looking in pictures 3-5. The last two photos are the watch back before, and after restoration.

The Omega 2500 is fitted with the co-axial escapement which, if anyone is not aware,was created by an Englishman name George Daniels who sold it to Omega. The advantage of this escapement is it’s efficiency and improvement in timekeeping. The Co axial escapement has been introduced into most of Omega’s product lines.

I offer watch repair and restoration on vintage and new Omega watches. Just reach out and get in contact with me for a quote via repairs@obrhorology.com.au or call 0423451991.